Radix Platform - Technological Advantage

2 min readOct 22, 2020

Four Core Technologies

The Radix platform consists of four core technologies that are build to solve major problems in DeFi today. To solve these problems Radix is implementing some of the most innovative technologies at each layer of the DeFi stack. In the end the technological solutions will provide much needed scalability, speed, ease of use, as well as tools and incentives for developers while the whole Radix ecosystem grows. In this article we will highlight the technologies incorporated.

Cerberus is a sharded consensus protocol that provides the scalability required for DeFi, while maintaining unlimited atomic composability. Cerberus provides linear scalability where public ledger will be able to scale seamlessly to thousands of nodes and infinite number of users on the network. The transactions on Cerberus will deliver True Finality which means that once the transaction goes through it’s absolutely final, without waiting for blocks to confirm it. The atomic composability will allow DeFi applications on different shards to work together simultaneously without stalling other applications or transactions.

Radix Engine v2 is a simple secure smart contract alternative. This technologically advanced system will allow developers to create DeFi applications faster, with fewer bugs and reduce on-ledger running cost while using the on-ledger component library.

Component Catalog. The developers on the Radix platform will be able to use advanced, powerful tools such as libraries and frameworks to build DeFi dApps faster. This will provide a great functionality of the platform and ecosystem in general.

On-ledger Developer Royalties will provide incentives and royalties for developers to build and generate income. In effect this will allow individual developers as well as big companies to become financially successful building on Radix platform.

As a result of all the technological innovations Radix is creating a platform where:
• Transactions are fast, cheap, and secure
• Application can scale linearly
• Connections between DeFi dApps are friction-less
• dApps can be built quickly and efficiently
• User assets are managed safely
• Builders are directly rewarded by the platform

To sum up, Radix is building a technologically advanced DeFi platform on a global scale and the implemented innovations will successfully promote Radix to leadership role in Decentralized Finance space.

For additional information about Radix DLT please visit the following sites:
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