Antimatter - a lightweight derivatives platform.

2 min readFeb 25, 2021

Antimatter IDO is coming soon and here we will take a look at what the project has to offer.

The DeFi space is growing exponentially and Antimatter is positioning itself as a go to platform for derivatives and options trading. The platform aims to be simple and lightweight which is important in the already busy DeFi environment. Antimatter will initially allow it’s users to trade ETH perpetual options and later expand to other derivatives.

Here is an impressive list of features of the platform:

  • Antimatter is promising to have elegant and innovative DeFi mechanism where users will be able to execute put and call strategies fully onchain.
  • Rebalancing as well as funding and fee distribution will happen automatically.
  • Secondary market will provide opportunities for arbitrage, market making and positive yield.
  • Antimatter simple and intuitive design aims for mass adoption. The protocol will provide perpetual options without expiry date.
  • The platform will allow Cross chain compatibility with PolkaDot, Binance and other chains.
  • Antimatter aims to be self sustainable and governed by community. The fees from platform usage will be used to buy back MATTER tokens.

Additionally the creators of Antimatter are already know in the cropto space and with their experience the Antimatter platform will no doubt succeed in the options and derivatives space. Jack Lu already created a very know platform, so his experience is vital and Robert Hu contributed to other know projects.

The DeFi spce provides great opportunities for traders and investors and we look forward to the upcoming Antimatter IDO and growth of the platform.

For additional information about Antimatter please visit the following sites:
Main site:
Radix Twitter:

